If you are contemplating divorce, doing your research and thinking about how to proceed with the process, you may find yourself running across the term – Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). This term includes several different types of strategies to resolve conflict between parties, without going through the traditional litigation process. The courts are backed up with many cases and it can take weeks, months and even longer to set up a date for your case to be heard. As a result, the Minnesota courts are encouraging individuals to try an alternative dispute resolution technique before going through the courts. Mediation is one highly effective ADR tool that can be used to settle many things, including the terms of a divorce. Here are some of the many benefits of using mediation as an Alternative Dispute Resolution technique:
1. Less expensive: Mediation takes far less financial resources to complete than a court battle. You do not have to pay lawyers to litigate your case. Those hourly fees can quickly add up to thousands of extra dollars in total costs. Divorce is never easy or inexpensive, but mediation can help you find resolution without the same financial burden.
2. Less time consuming: A divorce battle in the courts can last for many months. Mediation can resolve all aspects of your divorce in as few as 3-4 two-hour mediation sessions over the course of several weeks. A mediator can also help you file the correct paperwork with the courts when you are ready.
3. Flexible solutions: Instead of trusting that a judge will know what is best for you and your family, mediation gives that power to you. You can come up with solutions that meet your unique needs, and these can be creative and flexible.
4. Improves communication: Divorce may be the end of your marriage, but it is very likely not the end of your relationship. Mediation fosters positive and productive communication that can mean a better relationship after divorce.
Burnsville Divorce Mediation Services
AMS Mediation offers divorce mediation services to couples in the Burnsville, MN area. Our team understands the stress involved in divorce, and we strive to lessen the financial and emotional stress on your family during this process. Our mediators can help you with child custody issues and the division of property and negotiating spousal and/or child support payments. For more information about our alternative dispute resolution services, call 952-252-1492 to set up a time for a free consultation.