What Do I Need To Know Before I Divorce In MinnesotaIf you are moving forward with a divorce from your spouse, there are several things that you should know before you begin the process if you live in Minnesota. Below is a list of some of the top issues to consider.

1. It does not matter who is at fault: Minnesota is a no-fault divorce state which means that the court does need to see that one of the parties did something wrong. The court will not factor in infidelity or other marital issues when deciding to grant a divorce.
2. Your joint property will be divided equally: Any property that was purchased during your marriage is considered joint property and will be divided equally in a divorce settlement.
3. Minnesota courts generally prefer joint custody: If you share custody, you are likely thinking a lot about how your divorce will impact your kids. The state of Minnesota most often grants joint custody to both parents in a divorce, unless there is a safety reason not to do so.
4. The length of the divorce process can vary widely: The divorce process can take months or much, much longer, depending on how you decide to settle the terms of your divorce. Mediation can take 6-12 weeks to resolve but a court battle can last years.
5. The Minnesota courts recommend an alternative dispute resolution option before litigation: The state of Minnesota requires couples to try an alternative dispute resolution technique like divorce mediation before proceeding through the court system. Mediation is highly effective, less expensive, takes less time and the entire process can be completed without you having to walk into a courtroom. Of course, if mediation does not work or you have an extenuating circumstance, the courts can accommodate you, but you should expect scheduling to take some time.

Experienced And Compassionate Divorce Mediation Services

AMS Mediation can help you navigate the issues related to settling your divorce, including how to equitably divide your joint property, how to create a parenting plan that meets your children’s needs and evaluating whether spousal maintenance and/or child support is necessary. For more information or to schedule a time with our experienced staff, give us a call at 952-252-1492. We offer a variety of alternative dispute resolution options for divorce settlements, co-parenting and custody. Our staff brings knowledge, experience and compassion to the cases we take and will spend time getting to know you and your family so that we can provide you with the best possible service.


The safety of clients, ourselves, and colleagues is our top priority while we remain available to assist you as you navigate the new and uncharted territory caused by the coronavirus pandemic.


Offering All Services Virtually

While providing virtual ADR services was not part of our plan, we have made the necessary accommodations to ensure we can continue to serve our clients during these unsettling times. All services are currently available through virtually. We are using Zoom for videoconferencing. We suggest that you download this app to your phone or the program to your computer at https://zoom.us/download.


Limited In-Person Services

We have resumed limited in-person services for sessions with 1 or 2 participants scheduled for a maximum of 2 hours. Masks are required in our building and in session. Availability is subject to change based on local regulations and CDC guidelines.


Office Hours

Our office hours remain the same and we remain available by phone and email. The main office number is 952.252.1492. Gabe can be reached via email at gabe@amsmediationplus.com.


New Clients Welcome

We offer free 1-hour divorce consultations via Zoom. Potential PC and PTE clients are invited to schedule a free 15-minute phone call. Please call 952.252.1492 to set up an appointment. We are here to help!

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we all continue to adapt to these rapidly changing and chaotic times. Stay strong, stay resilient, and stay healthy!


Amber Serwat & Gabe Frye
ADR Professional & ADR Assistant

Divorce Mediation & Dispute Resolution Services - Amber Serwat Mediation

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