Nov 9, 2024
If you and your spouse cannot decide how best to settle the terms of your divorce, the court may recommend that you work with a court approved divorce mediator rather than continue through the courts for resolution. Ultimately, this can be a huge benefit to you and your case, as mediation is a highly effective way to settle your divorce more quickly and with less financial strain than traditional litigation. You and your spouse will be able to choose a divorce mediator in the Apple Valley, MN area, approved by the court system – and if you are looking for a court approved female divorce mediator, Amber Serwat is be a great choice.
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Nov 2, 2024
Are you dealing with a recent separation or divorce and attempting to co parent in the best possible way to help provide the most ideal situation for your children? Emotions can be raw after a divorce, especially when kids are involved so it’s vital that you work out a co parenting plan that is fair and equitable to you, your former partner and most importantly your children. At AMS Mediation we work with our clients
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Oct 26, 2024
If you have decided that the best path forward for your family is divorce, developing a strong and fair parenting plan can be one of the most significant challenges. Parents tend not to agree on how to divide time with their children, in large part because they love them so much and cannot envision life without seeing them every day. But, the harsh reality with divorce is that developing a custody agreement (also known as a parenting plan) is what needs to happen in order to move forward with your life. AMS Mediation understands how difficult this aspect of a divorce can be and has extensive experience creating workable parenting protocols to set limits, define boundaries and expectations so that a child custody agreement can be successful for a family.
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Oct 19, 2024
One of the most common and understandable concerns of couples who are in the process of getting a divorce is whether or not the parenting time (also known as ‘visitation’ or ‘custody’) agreement will be fair. Divorce introduces new and unfamiliar kinds of stress to most divorcing couples, and when children are involved, the new and unfamiliar stress that is introduced into their lives tends to be magnified further. Part of the reason why couples worry about fairly determined parenting time agreements is that the traditional court-based divorce processes have produced stories in our culture steeped in unfairness.
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Oct 12, 2024
Many couples think about divorce for months or even years before they take the first step toward a separation. It is such a huge decision and because it is not one that we make often in our lives, it can be overwhelming to think about the necessary steps to take. AMS Mediation can help you navigate the divorce process from start to finish. No matter what stage you find yourself in, we can sit down with you and help you identify action items to take and a path forward that puts you and your family first. There are some tips for important first steps to take if you are ready to move ahead with planning for a healthy divorce.
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