When Minneapolis couples opt to resolve their divorce issues through mediation, savings in terms of time and money are equally likely. When finances are a concern and when you hope that you’ll be able to work through the key divorce issues relatively quickly, choosing mediation is a wise decision.
While a contested divorce in Minnesota might cost upwards of $10,000 per party, mediation tends to cost far less, usually in the $2000-$5000 range total. If you want to maximize your time as well as your cost savings during a divorce, follow these tips.
First, prepare your documentation well in advance of the first mediation session. This includes gathering any financial statements or other relevant information that pertains to the marriage or divorce. Order it in terms of chronology and prepare an extra copy just in case.
Second, attend mediation with an open mind. Good settlements often require concessions on both sides – considering and making concessions during mediation will save both time and money. Divorcing spouses often communicate better through mediation sessions as opposed to independently or through litigation.
Direct communication is best whether you are caucusing in separate rooms or sitting at the same table to discuss the primary issues of the divorce. Some spouses find it helpful to meet separately with the mediator in different rooms, while others prefer to meet face-to-face. One of the greatest benefits of divorce mediation in Minneapolis is that you can tailor the process to meet your needs and comfort level. Being prepared goes a long way in mediation because you may be able to address all of your divorce issues in one session or a handful of sessions, limiting your expenses.