For two decades, AMS Mediation has been an indispensable service for divorcing parents who are looking to end their marriages without going through the traditional court system. AMS Mediation is based in Burnsville, but also serves divorcing couples in Shakopee, Richfield, Eagan, and other communities in Minnesota. Our team understands that divorce is one of the most difficult events that adults can experience. It is often listed among life’s most familiar and difficult sources of stress, along with deaths in families, loss of jobs and other financial difficulty, and moving to a new state as leading sources of stress. Complicating matters related to divorce, parents often feel a kind of conflict that is unique in its scope and depth when children are affected by their decision to divorce.
Managing the Conflict in Your Divorce
AMS Mediation has helped countless parents in the process of divorce to deal with the feelings of conflict that affect their lives. Parents can feel conflicted about a myriad of things, of course, when they make the decision to divorce their spouses. Internal conflict during divorce may stem from whether or not they are making the right decision for their children. It may also come as a result of knowing that they are making the right decision, but are reluctant to expose their children to the pain that is associated with the radical change ushered in by divorce. Rather than create even more conflict with a lengthy court battle, mediation offers a way to manage conflict in a healthy way to produce solutions that work for all involved.
Benefits of MN Mediated Divorce
Whatever the cause of conflict for parents, though, AMS Mediation can help. With decades of experience and expertise in the area of mediated divorce, our team will provide thoughtful advice, measured advocacy, and an unbiased forum for discussion for parents who are in the process of getting divorced, and will help them reach resolution with the conflicted feelings they may have. Our team will empower you to achieve fair, workable and affordable solutions to issues like division of assets, debts and property, child custody and child and spousal support. AMS Mediation offers the kind of experience and expertise to help parents resolve their feelings of conflict about how to proceed with life following their divorce. Mediation will help lay the groundwork for a strong future co-parenting relationship.
AMS Mediation works hard to ensure that all people affected by divorce come through it as healthy and whole as possible. Divorce is complex and almost always painful. Getting through it can be much easier when financial resources are conserved and when children are put first. AMS Mediation can help you achieve those goals. Call our team at 952.252.1492 for more information or to schedule a free consultation.