Jan 18, 2025
If you have children with your partner but were never married, you may wonder how you should navigate custody if the two of you are separating. AMS Mediation offers custody mediation which is specifically designed for never married couples to resolve the issues around custody, parenting time, child support and other joint decisions. Using custody mediation instead of hiring lawyers and going through the litigation process can save you significant time and money and can also reduce the overall conflict between you and your ex.
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Sep 14, 2024
If you and your spouse have recently made the very difficult decision to divorce, you may be very ready to begin to move forward with your life. Very often, the process of coming to terms with the end of your marriage can take months, if not years. Once you and your spouse decide you are ready to move forward with divorce, you may have already worked through many of the emotions associated with the loss and actually be ready for the changes ahead. The divorce process can be another hurdle to cross, but it does not have to extend the painful process. Mediation is the fastest way to get divorced in Minnesota and the team at AMS Mediation is ready to help you get started TODAY!
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Feb 10, 2023
Divorce mediation is recommended by the court system over a court battle (called litigation). If you are a Minnesota couple that has made the decision to use mediation for divorce, here are 5 tips that can help you get the process started:
1. Create detailed lists: So, one large part of the mediation process is determining how to fairly split all of the property that you share
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Sep 7, 2021
When you say your wedding vows, you begin to share a new life together. For many couples, this may mean purchasing a home together, a vehicle, furniture, recreational equipment and much more. You may also begin to save for retirement and invest in the stock market in addition to sharing a regular bank account. This is easier than keeping everything separate for most couples and as the time passes
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Apr 29, 2020
The Early Neutral Evaluation (ENE) process is an Alternative Dispute Resolution tool that offers a family information about both the strengths and weaknesses of their case and a projected outcome of a trial so that they can factor this information into their thinking as they decide how to proceed. AMS Mediation offers Early Neutral Evaluation services to families in Dakota County, Minnesota who are struggling to determine how to move forward effectively. Our neutral evaluator can present
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