Jun 25, 2020
While no one wished for the COVID-19 pandemic to descend on our country and the world, it has. For now, we should all follow health guidelines and practice social distancing when possible and wear face coverings to protect ourselves and others from the spread of the disease. These changes have disrupted nearly every aspect of our lives, and many local businesses have been forced to adapt to meet the moment.
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Jun 5, 2020
While none of us would choose to be fighting the COVID-19 pandemic this year, we can all agree that this is a time to keep our community safe. AMS Mediation has made a commitment to safely offer Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) services during this uncertain time. This means that you can work with our team virtually to resolve issues related to divorce, child custody, parenting disputes and many others. We have transitioned our services online so that you are able to move forward with the issues you face
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May 29, 2020
AMS Mediation offers divorcing couples the services of a professional Custody Evaluator (CE) for those living in Dakota County, Minnesota. Couples who decide to get divorced experience a great deal of stress. When a divorcing couple also share children, the stress is magnified. A custody evaluation involves a professional assessment of what is in the best interest of your children regarding the custody agreement in your divorce settlement. The process involves extensive interviews and psychological assessments to ensure that your children are put in the best possible situation following your divorce. AMS Mediation’s custody evaluation process often involves observing the parents’ interactions with their children
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Apr 29, 2020
The Early Neutral Evaluation (ENE) process is an Alternative Dispute Resolution tool that offers a family information about both the strengths and weaknesses of their case and a projected outcome of a trial so that they can factor this information into their thinking as they decide how to proceed. AMS Mediation offers Early Neutral Evaluation services to families in Dakota County, Minnesota who are struggling to determine how to move forward effectively. Our neutral evaluator can present
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Jan 29, 2020
The stress of divorce can feel simply overwhelming when parents consider the impact of their divorce on their children. The decision to divorce is difficult on its own, and when children are involved, the process can create feelings of loneliness and isolation in both parents. AMS Mediation offers a wide variety of mediation services, and none are more important than the services that help you and your divorcing spouse determine custody.
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Oct 31, 2019
When you begin thinking about a divorce, it is hard to anticipate all of the ways your decision will impact you family. It is easy to focus on the months (or years) of unhappiness, the intensity of the conflict and the need to separate to alleviate the stress. Those feelings can be simply overwhelming. AMS Mediation can help you anticipate the effect of your decision to divorce on everyone in your life. When you are able to focus on your future, the impact of divorce can shift from all of the pain to more hope for life after divorce.
Choosing to settle your divorce using mediation rather than litigation can significantly lessen the overall stress of a divorce on a family. A court battle often increases the conflict surrounding the divorce
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