Jun 11, 2021
COVID-19 has turned our lives upside down in many ways. Many of us have been working from home for more than a year, some of our kids have not gone to in-person school since last March, and masks have become everyone’s new accessory. COVID-19 has also disrupted child custody cases all over the country, including in Minnesota. Now that we are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, you may be ready to get back into your
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May 13, 2021
Parents with children who have decided to pursue divorce, most often make that decision reluctantly and with a heavy heart. This is true because parents with children understand that the decision to divorce their spouse will have a significant impact on the people they love most in the world—their children. Divorce mediation, as practiced by AMS Mediation, can reduce the negative impact of divorce on children and increase the likelihood of moving forward with the knowledge that their parents love them no less than before. Post-mediation if needed, will allow for easy modifications to the custody agreement as the situation arises.
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Feb 26, 2021
If you were planning a wedding between March of 2020 and summer of 2021, you likely had to reschedule it or change your plans significantly because of COVID-19. With state guidelines on how many people can safely gather indoors, many wedding venues are simply deemed unsafe for a traditional wedding. What you might not realize, however, is that in addition to their being fewer than normal weddings, COVID-19 has
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Feb 19, 2021
The divorce process takes a huge and significant toll on all members of a family. While you probably wish that you and your soon to be ex-spouse were the only ones impacted, this is just simply not the case. If you share children, you must learn how to co-parent after divorce and your children must learn how to thrive in two different households. Once a divorce has been finalized, many people find themselves unprepared
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Feb 12, 2021
One of the most difficult changes after a divorce is learning how to effectively co-parent your children when you and your ex live in two different places. It was hard enough to navigate co-parenting when you were all under one roof. Divorce presents a new set of challenges for couples who share children. Emotionally, you may be ready to move on with your life, but the fact is that you remain connected to your ex because of your children
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Jan 1, 2021
One of the most important components in a marriage is communication. In fact, when couples are asked why they decided to divorce, many point to failed or poor communication as the root cause of their marital problems. One thing that is important to recognize is that if you share children, the need for strong communication does not end when you sign your divorce papers. In fact, it is more important than ever to develop a clear and open path for communication once your divorce is over and you are both leading separate lives. A communication coach can help you communicate effectively, reduce overall conflict and focus on workable solutions
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