AMS Mediation Blog

Keys To A Successful Mediated Divorce

Keys To A Successful Mediated DivorceWhen you think about the idea of divorce, you may assume that the process will be filled with conflict, stress, financial challenges and general difficulty. Divorce mediation offers you a way to complete the divorce process with less stress, less of a financial burden, and less conflict. Mediation is set up to encourage collaboration and working together toward a common goal. Does this sound appealing? Well, most Minnesota courts actually encourage couples to try mediation before litigation for these reasons (and to relieve the scheduled backlog in the court system). Here are some keys to participating in a successful mediator divorce

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Tips For Successful Divorce Mediation

Tips For Successful Divorce MediationHave you made the tough decision to move forward with a divorce? Have you decided to try mediation as a first step in hopes you can settle things without a stressful court battle? If so, you may be thinking about how best to prepare for the process to ensure you have the best possible chance for success. Here are some tips for making sure that your divorce mediation process is productive and successful

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What Is Alternative Dispute Resolution?

What Is Alternative Dispute Resolution?If you are contemplating divorce, doing your research and thinking about how to proceed with the process, you may find yourself running across the term – Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). This term includes several different types of strategies to resolve conflict between parties, without going through the traditional litigation process. The courts are backed up with many cases and it can take weeks, months and even longer to set up a date for your case to be heard. As a result, the Minnesota courts are encouraging individuals to try an alternative dispute resolution technique before going through the courts. Mediation is one highly effective

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Do I Have To Go Through The Courts For My Divorce?

Do I Have To Go Through The Courts For My DivorceOne of the most common questions we get from potential clients is whether they need to go through the courts to complete a divorce. The answer may not be what you expect. There is a long-held myth that the only/best way to resolve the issues in a divorce is with a long, nasty court battle. In fact, when we see divorces referenced in the news or portrayed in a movie, that is usually what you will see. However, in reality, you can complete the entire divorce process without ever stepping foot in a courtroom

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Dividing Assets During A Divorce

Dividing Assets During A DivorceThe mediation process empowers you and your ex to come to an agreement on how you should divide your property, assets and debts, with guidance about the process from your mediator rather than leaving this decision in the hands of a judge or attorneys. AMS Mediation can provide divorce support services to couples in Minnesota who are trying to reduce the overall stress and financial burden of divorce by using mediation rather than litigation

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Adjusting To Life After A Divorce

Adjusting To Life After A Divorce - Divorce Help in MNIt is easy to get caught up in all of the pain and emotional distress during the divorce process. In fact, it can feel like it will never end. No matter what drove you and your ex to divorce, for most couples it is difficult to let go of the marriage and leave the pain behind. The traditional divorce process – litigation – can increase the conflict and the pain. Divorce mediation is another way to navigate the divorce process that can…

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The safety of clients, ourselves, and colleagues is our top priority while we remain available to assist you as you navigate the new and uncharted territory caused by the coronavirus pandemic.


Offering All Services Virtually

While providing virtual ADR services was not part of our plan, we have made the necessary accommodations to ensure we can continue to serve our clients during these unsettling times. All services are currently available through virtually. We are using Zoom for videoconferencing. We suggest that you download this app to your phone or the program to your computer at


Limited In-Person Services

We have resumed limited in-person services for sessions with 1 or 2 participants scheduled for a maximum of 2 hours. Masks are required in our building and in session. Availability is subject to change based on local regulations and CDC guidelines.


Office Hours

Our office hours remain the same and we remain available by phone and email. The main office number is 952.252.1492. Gabe can be reached via email at


New Clients Welcome

We offer free 1-hour divorce consultations via Zoom. Potential PC and PTE clients are invited to schedule a free 15-minute phone call. Please call 952.252.1492 to set up an appointment. We are here to help!

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we all continue to adapt to these rapidly changing and chaotic times. Stay strong, stay resilient, and stay healthy!


Amber Serwat & Gabe Frye
ADR Professional & ADR Assistant

Divorce Mediation & Dispute Resolution Services - Amber Serwat Mediation

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