Feb 6, 2024
If you have a child-custody agreement with your former spouse, you may find it necessary to make a simple modification to that agreement. Similarly, if your former spouse approaches you about needing to make a simple child custody modification, you need not necessarily respond as if it is a major problem. In most cases, modifying a child custody agreement can be done without much difficulty or involving the courts. However, if your relationship with your former spouse is strained, you may at first perceive the request as a major inconvenience. In virtually all circumstances pertaining to child custody modification, though, the team at AMS Mediation can be helpful. In fact, we are confident that in most matters of child custody modification
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Jan 2, 2024
Divorce is a challenging journey, filled with emotional turbulence and complex decision-making. In the heart of Minnesota, AMS Mediation stands as a beacon of hope, offering a unique approach to divorce resolution that empowers couples to take control of their futures. As we delve into the intricacies of divorce mediation, let’s explore how AMS Mediation guides couples through the process, fostering a constructive path to resolution.
At AMS Mediation, our commitment to active and collaborative mediation is at the core of what sets us apart. Unlike traditional adversarial methods, mediation places couples in the
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Dec 3, 2023
A divorce that goes through the formal court process can seem very impersonal and harsh. You hire attorneys whose job it is to “win” at the cost of members of your own family. Decisions are left in the hands of a judge who does not know you personally. In fact, many divorce agreements that are developed through litigation need to be altered significantly down the road. AMS Mediation offers an alternative approach to the divorce
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Oct 19, 2023
When you use a mediator to help you settle the terms of your divorce, it is wise to get a strong understanding of what you should and should not expect from your mediator during the process. The most important thing to understand is that a mediator will not make decisions about your case. Your mediator is not a decider – that is actually your role. A mediator is trained to be neutral and trained to help you and your spouse resolve all of the issues related to your divorce. This includes developing a parenting plan that outlines how you and your co-parent will share custody, deciding exactly how you will equitably divide all of the property that you share and even determining whether or not child or spousal
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Oct 9, 2023
It is very difficult to look ahead when you are negotiating the terms of your divorce including your parenting plan. In fact, the tendency is to look back and it can seem impossible to move forward. However, time does march on, and you and your family will move forward and find a new normal – which will include co-parenting, boundaries with your ex and communication strategies for post-divorce interactions. There is no way to anticipate what might happen if one of you
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Sep 6, 2023
Did you know that you do not have to hire a lawyer and go through the courts to finalize the terms of your divorce? Despite how the media portrays divorce on TV, it can be quite different than you might imagine. In fact, the state of Minnesota actually requires that couples who want to divorce and do not have any history of domestic violence first try an alternative dispute resolution like divorce mediation before litigation. This is in part because the court schedules are booked so far in advance that divorce can take many months just to align an attorney and a judge’s schedule.
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