Sep 28, 2018
Divorce can bring out the worst in even the most reasonable adults. Emotions are generally high during the divorce process and there can be significant conflict between a divorcing couples that can, unfortunately, impact the children. A traditional court battle is designed to focus on the past – and all of the conflict present in your marriage. This can create an even more adversarial situation often increasing the overall conflicting nature of the divorce. Divorce mediation allows you…
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Sep 3, 2018
Many states now require divorcing couples (that have no history of domestic violence) to participate in an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process before litigating the terms of the divorce. This is in large part because the courts cannot effectively manage all of the divorce cases coming through the system. Mediation is a popular and highly effective ADR process that can be used to settle all aspect of a divorce including division of property, assets and debts, development of a parenting plan and determination of the need for child and/or spousal support.
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Aug 24, 2018
The cost of mediation is significantly less than the most common alternative which involves retaining a lawyer and going through the traditional litigation process. Typically, clients who employ a mediation service can expect to pay a much lower total cost than even the least expensive court-based divorce. We also offer services that are not offered for court-based divorce proceedings. AMS Mediation prioritizes finding common ground. When you realize that the cost of mediated divorce is so much less expensive than the traditional process, you will understand why so many more couples are choosing mediated divorce.
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Aug 19, 2018
If you and your spouse have decided to seek a divorce, you may be overwhelmed about just how to move the process forward. Navigating the divorce process in the midst of conflict and emotional distress is difficult. In fact, many agree that divorce is one of the most stressful life events. Divorce mediation is a useful and effective method of settling all aspects of a divorce without adding to the already adversarial nature of the event. AMS Mediation specializes in divorce mediation and helping couples through this difficult process.
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Jul 30, 2018
AMS Mediation offers comprehensive divorce mediation services to couples who have decided divorce is the next step for them. If you and your spouse have decided to divorce, the team at AMS Mediation would like you to know that you have options available to you that do not have to include traditional court processes, adversarial lawyers, or pocket-emptying costs. AMS Mediation has become one of the most respected divorce mediation services because of our professionalism and knowledge of and expertise in Minnesota divorce law. Divorce has historically been frowned upon and most often characterized by conflict and anger. More recently, however, divorce mediators have provided alternatives that seek to minimize conflict and maximize the potential for healthy resolution of differences between the couple.
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Jul 20, 2018
Mediation is an highly effective and inexpensive way to settle the important aspects of your divorce like division of property, assets and debts, development of a parenting plan (also known as a custody agreement) and even determination of spousal and/or child support payments. If you have decided to pursue mediation, you may wonder how to to find a strong mediator to work with you and your soon to be ex-spouse. Here are some steps you can take to ensure that you choose the best mediator for your case:
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