Jun 10, 2019
At the heart of most divorces is conflict. You and your divorcing spouse may have experienced this conflict for years, perhaps about money, issues of trust, different parenting styles or commitment to work. AMS believes in dispute resolution with mediation. If you have determined that it is time to divorce so that you can both move forward with your life in a more positive way, you may assume that there is much more conflict ahead. Divorce mediation is a highly effective way to settle all types of divorce disputes in a relatively fast and cost effective way. AMS Mediation has helped many divorcing couples navigate the divorce process in a more positive and productive way.
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Jun 1, 2019
If you and your spouse have decided that you are going to move forward with a mediated divorce, one of the first and most important steps to take is choosing a mediator to work with. The role of a mediator is to be a neutral, third party and help facilitate discussions that can result in compromise and solutions for the many aspects of your divorce. It is important that both you and your divorcing spouse trust the mediator you choose and feel comfortable communicating with them.
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May 25, 2019
Mediation is a very effective way to settle the important terms of your divorce, rather than having to go through the tough, painful, lengthy and costly litigation process. The state of Minnesota encourages all couples to attempt an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process BEFORE bringing their case to court. Mediation is the most common ADR process because it provides a forum where a neutral third party (your mediator) facilitates communication between the two parties (and their attorneys if applicable) to promote a settlement. AMS Mediation provides affordable, client-centered mediation services for couples that empowers them to resolve issues in a fair and healthy way.
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May 15, 2019
AMS Mediation lets you know what to expect from mediation. You have at least one thing in common with many others who have found themselves searching for a mediator. In most cases, the expectations that people have prior to working with a mediator have to do with the enforce-ability of the agreements reached and whether or not the process will be fair. If the mediator with whom you are working is as well trained and experienced as Amber Serwat of AMS Mediation, it is likely that your expectations will be exceeded.
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May 1, 2019
The benefits of mediation are numerous. Those benefits are heightened when you work with AMS Mediation. Many of us have an aversion to conflict, and sometimes that aversion tends to become more pronounced when it occurs within a marriage and/or a family unit. Mediation, by definition, helps people in conflict to experience it better, more effectively, and with less discomfort. AMS Mediation’s expertise in mediation MN enhances the impact of mediation’s positive impact on the conflict you are going through.
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Apr 25, 2019
For many, divorce only happens once in your lifetime, if at all. It is considered a major life event, filled with stress, emotion and a great deal of uncertainty. Part of that stress and uncertainty comes from the unknown – life as you know it is changing, you may have to relocate, share custody of your children and rethink financial decisions. The divorce process can contribute to the stress as well – after all, you’ve likely never been through a divorce before.
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