May 29, 2020
AMS Mediation offers divorcing couples the services of a professional Custody Evaluator (CE) for those living in Dakota County, Minnesota. Couples who decide to get divorced experience a great deal of stress. When a divorcing couple also share children, the stress is magnified. A custody evaluation involves a professional assessment of what is in the best interest of your children regarding the custody agreement in your divorce settlement. The process involves extensive interviews and psychological assessments to ensure that your children are put in the best possible situation following your divorce. AMS Mediation’s custody evaluation process often involves observing the parents’ interactions with their children
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May 15, 2020
Signing divorce papers may mean the end of your marriage, but for many, this does not always signal the end of conflict and/or issues to resolve. There are times when issues need to be re-visited because of life changes that are not predictable at the time of divorce. A Post-decree modification is when a couple faces a problem or conflict that needs resolution after a divorce is final. AMS Mediation can help you navigate these issues and determine whether you can resolve this issue using mediation rather than another litigation proceeding.
Most often, post-decree modification requests are related to issues around custody and/or finances. It is impossible to predict how
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May 7, 2020
Child custody can be one of the most difficult and messy parts of your divorce. Your children are the most important thing to both you and your ex and sharing custody is perhaps the biggest transition after a divorce is final. Problems can come up, situations change, and unexpected life events can create serious custody issues that must be resolved. Amber Serwat of AMS Mediation helps families struggling with custody issues
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Jan 29, 2020
The stress of divorce can feel simply overwhelming when parents consider the impact of their divorce on their children. The decision to divorce is difficult on its own, and when children are involved, the process can create feelings of loneliness and isolation in both parents. AMS Mediation offers a wide variety of mediation services, and none are more important than the services that help you and your divorcing spouse determine custody.
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Nov 10, 2019
The teenage years are characterized by many significant changes. Bodies are growing and changing rapidly, and academics are getting more serious. Family relationships during the teenage years are extremely important, as kids grow into adults, assert their independence and really discover themselves. If you are going through a divorce and have teenage children, AMS Mediation can help you and your teenagers during the process.
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Jun 25, 2019
On top of the already intense emotional toll that divorce takes, the financial impact can be devastating on a family, particularly in a highly contentious litigated divorce. There is an option for settling the terms of your divorce in a more affordable way. You and your spouse can use mediation to settle the important terms of your divorce, including division of property, creation of a parenting plan (or custody agreement) and determination of whether or not child and/or spousal support is needed.
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