Feb 21, 2022
Just because you and your partner did not legally get married does not mean that your separation is any less complicated, especially if you share children. As parents, you are the two most important people in your kid’s lives and finding common ground on custody issues is extremely important to your family’s future. AMS Mediation offers custody mediation for unmarried parents which is less expensive, less time consuming
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Oct 16, 2020
For couples who are not married and share children, decisions about custody after a break-up can be incredibly difficult and complicated. Custody mediation is a highly effective way to resolve these issues without a costly court battle. AMS Mediation specializes in custody mediation and can help you and your ex come up with
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Sep 25, 2020
By now, most people are aware of the benefits of mediation services over those that involve the traditional court process. The higher cost of litigation alone has caused many people to seek mediation over the more familiar and traditional court processes. One more specific aspect of mediation that has great advantages over court-based processes is child custody. AMS Mediation is an approved child custody mediator
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Aug 14, 2020
The final product of the divorce mediation process is called a Memorandum of Agreement. This document can contain details about your settlement, including information about how you will divide your property, your parenting plan and/or custody agreement and even details about spousal support or child support payments. This agreement is not legally binding until it has been submitted to the Courts and the Court has accepted it. Generally, after you complete the mediation process, you and your ex hire
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Jul 9, 2020
We have heard a lot in the last few months about how the Covid-19 pandemic does not care about borders, religious and political affiliation, and most other categories that organize our society. This is true—the virus that has changed our world so dramatically in such a short time does not care about much other than spreading to a new carrier, whoever that may be. But the novel coronavirus is not the only force of nature
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Jun 5, 2020
While none of us would choose to be fighting the COVID-19 pandemic this year, we can all agree that this is a time to keep our community safe. AMS Mediation has made a commitment to safely offer Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) services during this uncertain time. This means that you can work with our team virtually to resolve issues related to divorce, child custody, parenting disputes and many others. We have transitioned our services online so that you are able to move forward with the issues you face
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