If you were married when you had your children, you probably did not even consider what it would be like to parent on your own or from two different residences. You likely assumed that you and your spouse would parent as a married unit couple until your children were out of the house. Divorce may not be something you wished for, but it is the reality for many families in the United States. If divorce is something you are navigating or think it might be in your future, you can expect that this new reality will come with big changes for your overall family dynamic.
Parenting After Divorce
Divorce is a major life event marked by significant stress and change. If you share children, one of the biggest of all of the changes caused by divorce is learning to co-parenting after divorce. Many families need professional support to help navigate these changes including developing and amending child custody agreements, communicating effectively with your ex after your divorce about your kids, child support payments, and many other issues specific to your unique situation. AMS Mediation offers compassionate, efficient, and responsive professional divorce and parenting support services to families all over Minnesota. We can help you with communication strategies, making decisions that are in the best interest of your children and how to maintain a relationship with your ex that puts the emotion and pain in the past and can focus on a future where you work together for what’s best for your kids.
Co-Parenting During And After Divorce
Our staff offers mediation, coaching and parenting consulting and parenting time expeditor services that can empower you to make sound decisions without having to go through the traditional court system, which is extremely expensive and time consuming. Our resources will actually reduce the overall conflict between you and your ex, improve healthy communication and allow you all to move forward with your lives in a positive and productive way. Our services can help you handle the parenting challenges no matter where you are in the divorce process – just beginning, in the middle of settling the terms of your divorce, and when your divorce is final and you need assistance amending your custody agreement or when you cannot seem to agree on issues that come up after you are divorced. Parenting after divorce brings its own challenges, long after you have decided to part ways from your former spouse. You do not have to navigate this alone. Call AMS Mediation at 952-252-1492 if you want to learn more about our divorce and parenting support services.