A divorce is a marker for a huge life change. You will no longer be sharing your daily life, your property with your spouse. Divorce means that you will live separate lives. For the most part, this is likely exactly what you are hoping for. However, one thing that can be extremely difficult to determine is how to develop a custody agreement that works for the entire family. Sharing custody can be one of the biggest adjustments in a divorce settlement, as you are no longer all live under one roof and you may not see your child/ren each and every day. Negotiating with your ex about how to share custody is the most important element of a settlement agreement. AMS Mediation is a trusted mediation firm in Burnsville, MN, that can help you find a solution that puts your kids first, conserves financial resources and puts you in the best position for future negotiations with your ex.
Developing A Child Custody Agreement
In Minnesota, the courts will look at what is in the best interest of the child when it comes to determining custody arrangements. In general, Minnesota courts weigh the benefits to the child of sharing custody with both parents. Rather than relying on a judge to make the decisions for your family, AMS Mediation can help you navigate this decision without going through the court. After all, you and your ex know your family best and are in the best position to create a parenting plan that will work for your family. The staff at AMS Mediation will help capitalize on the fact that both of you want what is best for your kids. Sharing custody may be difficult, but it is likely what is in the best interest of your kids.
Benefits Of Using Mediation For Child Custody Agreements
Negotiating with your spouse may seem like a challenge, but our experienced mediators are trained to help you find common ground. Custody agreements are also very likely to change as your kids get older and their needs change. Once you connect with a mediator like AMS Mediation, we can also help you amend your custody agreements down the road so that you do not have to run every change through the court. If you would like to learn more about how you might partner with AMS Mediation on developing and implementing your child custody agreement, reach out to our team at 952-252-1492.