AMS Mediation, located in Burnsville, MN, also serves the people of Shakopee, Richfield, and Eagan, MN, and offers expert assistance in the area of Early Neutral Evaluations. Our mediation services are thorough, complete, fair, and current with best practices in mediation services. An early neutral evaluation will provide you with a better understanding of your entire divorce case which will help you decide how best to proceed through the process. This evaluation will give you specific information about the specific strengths, weaknesses and legal aspects of your divorce case so that you can make the best possible decision about how your court case will unfold.
Get Recommendations About How Your Divorce Will Play Out
Early neutral evaluations essentially provide you with an expert opinion of how your divorce case will work from start to finish. Amber Serwat, of AMS Mediation, has more than two decades of experience mediating divorces in the Minnesota area and she uses that expertise to help couples get a sense of how their divorce will likely play out. She focuses only on the facts of the case, and can talk through your case with you so that you can decide whether to pursue a settlement through the courts or whether mediation might be a way to resolve the issues in your case. This early evaluation process is entirely confidential in nature and the results and recommendations will not be shared with a judge or even your spouse. This information will be yours and the decision about how to proceed rests with you.
Making the Best Possible Decision About How to Resolve Your Divorce
Amber can focus on financial aspects of your case as well as issues related to child custody and give you an idea of whether you have a strong chance of winning a court case. She will provide an unbiased and accurate prediction of how your divorce case will turn out in a trial based on your unique case facts and Minnesota law.
In addition, if you are looking to avoid going to trial and decide that mediation is the best course of action for you and your divorcing spouse, Amber can easily transition from your early neutral evaluator to your mediator and help you resolve your case. For more information about getting a clear picture of how your divorce looks and how it will play out, contact Amber M. Serwat Mediation at 952-252-1492, or email her directly at